Martha Express was born in Porto in February 1954. He still cultivates the obsession of being the reincarnation of a warm, eloquente nun, Sister Maria da Cruz, who lived from the end of the XVII century to the beginnings of the XVIII century.
She had discover the poetry one afternoon while she, patiently, was sharpening a stick of wood under an orangetree. She left poetic confessions and several acts a little here and there. She gained notoriety with the writings "Ténis is my Game this Perfume is my Love", “ a Fé Secreta do pequeno jardineiro”, “I love potery and potery loves me”, “Curriculum I”, "Creation, Evolution, Masturbatíon or is God a Bone?", "Die Schuhe Von Brecht im Berlin are worthier than Weill in Broadway", “Curriculum II”, "XXIV cartas comerciais tipo", Curriculum III”, a vast ANALgesic poetry and other unbelievable phenomena. According to minor historians, Sister Maria da Cruz died for a grave and compromising cause, still not revealled. About the present reincarnation... there is noting worth of reference.